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Agus Salim

AGUS SALIM Hadji Agus Salim , (born Oct. 8, 1884, Kota Gedang, Sumatra,  Dutch East Indies  [now Indonesia]—died Nov. 4, 1954,  Yogyakarta , Indon.), Indonesian nationalist and religious leader from an upper class Minangkabau family, who played a key role during the 1920s in moderating the messianic and communist element in the Muslim nationalist movement in the Dutch East Indies. Agus Salim received a Dutch education through secondary school, after which he dealt with Dutch consular affairs in  Jiddah , Arabia, where he became interested in reformist and modernist movements in Islām. In 1915 Salim joined the  Sarekat Islam  (Islamic Association) and soon became a leading influence in that Indonesian nationalist group. His opposition to the messianic cult that had grown up around the group’s central figure,  Omar Said Tjokroaminoto , led to a de-emphasis of mystical elements in the organization. Salim, an evolutionary socialist, played an impor...

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